Doug Giles

Doug earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Texas Tech University and his certificates in both Theological and Biblical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary (Dr. D. James Kennedy, Chancellor). Giles was fortunate to have Dr. R.C. Sproul as an instructor for many classes.

Doug Giles is the host of The Doug Giles Podcast, the co-founder and co-host of the Warriors & Wildmen Podcast (1M+ downloads) and the man behind In addition to driving (300M+ page views), Giles is the author of several #1 Amazon bestsellers. His book Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass (2021) spent 26 weeks at #1 on Amazon. In 2018, Giles was permanently banned from his two-million followers on Facebook.

Doug is also an artist and a filmmaker and his online gallery can be seen at DougGiles.Art. His first film, Biblical Badasses: A Raw Look at Christianity and Art, is available via DougGiles. Art.

Doug’s writings have appeared in several other print and online news sources, including,The Washington Times,The Daily Caller, Fox Nation, Human Events, USA To- day,The Wall Street Journal,The Washington Examiner, American HunterMagazine, and ABC News.

Giles and his wife Margaret have two daughters, Hannah and Regis. Hannah devastated ACORN with her 2009 nation-shaking undercover videos and she currently stars in the explosive 2018 Tribeca Documentary, Acorn and The Firestorm.

Regis has been featured in Elle, American Hunter, and Variety magazines. Regis is also the author of a powerful book titled, How Not To Be A #Me-Too Victim, But A #WarriorChick.

Regis and Hannah are both black belts in Gracie/Valente Jiu-Jitsu.

Accolades for Giles include …

“There’re those men of the cloth that cater to mediocrity. There are those timid preachers that are straight up cowards, tucking their tails to the truth. Then there’s those very few warriors. Doug defines that word. He’s a ‘Spec-Ops guy’ in the Kingdom of God. A true David looking for ‘five smooth stones.’
LTC (Ret.) Pete Chambers Green Beret
Special Operations Flight Surgeon
“There is NO way to describe Doug Giles adequately, so I won’t even try. Suffice it to say there is NO ONE like him and I’m grateful for him!”
Eric Metaxas
​President of The Trinity Broadcasting Network
“Doug Giles speaks the truth … he’s a societal watchdog … a funny bastard.”Ted Nugent
“Doug Giles is a good man, and his bambinas are fearless. His girls Hannah and Regis Giles are indefatigable. I admire the Giles clan from afar.”
Dennis Miller
“Doug Giles, the perfect dynamite needed to ignite a fire in the belly of every man, woman and child to live like warriors.”
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West
“Doug is a Wild Man.”Matt Crouch
President, Trinity Broadcasting Network
“Doug Giles brings the heat…as in the exact kind of refining heat the wussified church desperately needs. If you think he is too salty, then bless your heart but stay out of my foxhole because you aren’t ready for the battle that has come to the door of the Church. But if you can handle the flames, then get ready to lock shields with Godly warriors called to push back evil at such a time as this. Doug will challenge, inspire, equip, offend, and embolden you…usually all at once and you’ll love him for it. Welcome to the fight.”
Rick Green
Founder of Patriot Academy

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