"The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion."
- Proverbs 28:1
People who truly collided with Christ were made instantly bold but now boldness seems to be the gift of the few folks when it was the common denominator of all the heroes of the scripture.
Nowadays, Christianity is all about being nice, not bold.
Harrison Butker’s grad speech at Benedictine College tossed nice out the window and put the PC/Woke blather on full blast. Yep, the Chiefs field goal kicker verbally kicked the following …
- COVID dictators who damn near destroyed young people’s lives and crushed their spirits with their draconian mandates.
- Leaders and people who call themselves ‘Catholic’ and are cool with killing the unborn.
- The Church of Nice. Indeed, HB busted the notion that Christians are to be behaved and quaint tinker pots vs. bold and rebellious prophets who preach ‘hard truths’.
- Harrison also roasted the ridiculous notion of the ‘Silent’ Christians who mind their own business and do not get into the affairs of the culture or state.
- Here’s an FYI. Harrison is no fan of feckless, effete, and effeminate friars, fo’ sho’!
- HB definitely stepped in it when he cheered on women who wanna be married, raise epic kids, and have a home that’s a glorious traditional domicile and not some zany liberal wet dream hellscape.
- And finally, Butker exhorted the boys in the grad class to … “Be unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things. Never settle for what is easy. You might have a talent that you don’t necessarily enjoy, but if it glorifies God, maybe you should lean into that over something that you might think suits you better.”
As you can imagine, or now know, all the woodlice in the United States of Liberal Acrimony have collectively come out and demanded Butker be punted from KC’s kick squad and summarily canceled any and everywhere. Personally, I think the dude should get a Badass of The Year Award for being unapologetically brave to speak his convictions in an intolerant environment. Good job, amigo. Good job.
Finally, here’s an exhortation to the reader.
Would people characterize you as bold?
Solomon says the righteous don’t just sport any old boldness but lion-like boldness. I’ve had the good fortune to have been around the big cats in my multiple travels to the Dark Continent. I’ve been on three African lion hunts, and I can tell you with great certainty that they’re not for the faint of heart. The lion I hunted came at full charge to kill us. Their roar/grunts, as they come for you, will leave what Kramer on Seinfeld called, “memory burn.”
Please Note: There are 3⁄4 of a million words used in the scripture and the Holy Spirit-inspired Solomon chose to compare the Christian with a lion.
Most Christians just focus on us being little sheep where Solomon says, au contraire, the righteous are bold as lions. If we are sheep, we’re sheep to God alone. To men and devils, we’re dangerous apex holy predators akin to lions.
So, why would Solomon say the Christian is lion-like in their boldness? Well, maybe it’s because Jesus is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Rev. 5:5. Hello.
Jesus is not called the Koala Bear of Judah. He’s not called the Hello Kitty of Judah. He’s not called the Cuddly Monkey of Judah, or the Pronghorn Antelope, or Turtle Dove, or Panda Bear of Judah. He’s called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Since we’re called to be like him and it’s the Holy Ghost’s job to morph us into his image (Rom. 8:29) then, ipso facto, we, too, will exhibit lion-like boldness when we get stuck between a rock and a hard place versus fleeing like a terrified little quail.
Can I get an amen?
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Doug Giles is Pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Wimberley, TX, and is the founder of ClashDaily.com
Follow Doug on Instagram and Twitter @TheArtOfDoug.