Four Signs of A Great Church

Four Signs of A Great Church


“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
- Acts 2:42 (NASB)

When most clowns go looking for a “good church” they usually mean they’re looking for the following…

1. Great “Christian” entertainment.

2. Big Screens.

3. Skinny jeans.

4. Smoke machines.

5. Great coffee.

6. A fun atmosphere.

7. Some place to dump off their demonic kids that they haven’t disciplined.

8. A groovy pastor.

9. Very short services.

10. Feel-good messages that require nothing from the congregant whatsoever.

Fortunately, for the masturbatory, spiritual, me-me-me-me-monkey there’s a lot of those churches here in the United States of Liberal Acrimony. Hucksters have created an American gospel enterprise, a veritable hot tub religion, and it seems to be working quite well because most of those churches that employ such gimmicks are packed, baby. I said, they’re packed. And you can’t argue with success, we’re told. Or, can you? The Bible’s pretty clear that the believer should flee that ear-tickling mess (2Tim 4:3-4). When the primitive church exploded with growth in the first century, the Holy Spirit was oh, so kind to show us His simple formula for a “good church”. Check it out…“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” – Acts 2:42 (NASB)

So, according to the Bible, here’s what The Trinity considered a legit gathering of the elect:

1. The Christians were devoted to the apostle’s doctrine.

2. The Christians were devoted to fellowship.

3. The Christians were devoted to breaking bread.

4. The Christians were devoted to prayer.

If you’re looking for a “good church,” meaning a biblical one, look for a body of believers who are serious about what the apostles taught, who have great fellowship, who regularly dine together, and who pray like the third monkey trying to get on Noah’s Ark. If you can find a group of folks doing the aforementioned, I’d advise you to saddle up and ride with them because that’s the kind of holy stuff the Holy Spirit births and not the other politically correct, feel-good, religious slop.

  • The preceding is from Giles’ bestseller, The Wildman Devotional. It’s the perfect tome for the rowdy, biblical, warrior.

If you’re getting biblically fed via Clash Ministries please partner with us to put a big heapin’ scar on Satan’s haggard backside. God bless and stay rowdy.

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Doug Giles is Pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Wimberley, TX, and is the founder of

Follow Doug on Instagram and Twitter @TheArtOfDoug.

555 Veterans Drive #98, Kyle, TX 78640
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