Pray THIS When The Enemy Infiltrates The Church

Pray THIS When The Enemy Infiltrates The Church


In our effeminate evangelical churches, demons can waltz right in, set up shop, and operate, unhindered, in most evangelical and catholic fellowships.

Yep, demons and the dolts controlled by them, can spew their bovine scatalogy, parade their damnable “lifestyle” and ignore the scripture with impunity and it’s okey dokey with a lot of churches and pastors.

Not so, under King David. Oh, heck no.

In Psalm 74, when the enemy started wreaking havoc inside the sanctuary of God, David’s chief musician, Asaph, went on the offense and rained down hellfire with this epic imprecatory Psalm.

So, dearly beloved, if you see Satan weaving his way into your local church or denomination, then dust Psalm 74 off and launch it up the enemy’s tailpipe.

Psalm 74 You walked off and left us, and never looked back.
God, how could you do that?
We’re your very own sheep;
how can you stomp off in anger?
2-3 Refresh your memory of us—you bought us a long time ago.
Your most precious tribe—you paid a good price for us!
Your very own Mount Zion—you actually lived here once!
Come and visit the site of disaster,
see how they’ve wrecked the sanctuary.
4-8 While your people were at worship, your enemies barged in,
brawling and scrawling graffiti.
They set fire to the porch;
axes swinging, they chopped up the woodwork,
Beat down the doors with sledgehammers,
then split them into kindling.
They burned your holy place to the ground,
violated the place of worship.
They said to themselves, “We’ll wipe them all out,”
and burned down all the places of worship.
9-17 There’s not a sign or symbol of God in sight,
nor anyone to speak in his name,
no one who knows what’s going on.
How long, God, will barbarians blaspheme,
enemies curse and get by with it?
Why don’t you do something? How long are you going
to sit there with your hands folded in your lap?
God is my King from the very start;
he works salvation in the womb of the earth.
With one blow you split the sea in two,
you made mincemeat of the dragon Tannin.
You lopped off the heads of Leviathan,
then served them up in a stew for the animals.
With your finger you opened up springs and creeks,
and dried up the wild floodwaters.
You own the day, you own the night;
you put stars and sun in place.
You laid out the four corners of earth,
shaped the seasons of summer and winter.
18-21 Mark and remember, God, all the enemy
taunts, each idiot desecration.
Don’t throw your lambs to the wolves;
after all we’ve been through, don’t forget us.
Remember your promises;
the city is in darkness, the countryside violent.
Don’t leave the victims to rot in the street;
make them a choir that sings your praises.
22-23 On your feet, O God—
stand up for yourself!
Do you hear what they’re saying about you,
all the vile obscenities?
Don’t tune out their malicious filth,
the brawling invective that never lets up.

Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a compendium from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed or sang in church against our formidable enemies, have you? I didn’t think so. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and our nation.

Doug Giles is Pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Wimberley, TX, and is the founder of

Follow Doug on Instagram and Twitter @TheArtOfDoug.

555 Veterans Drive #98, Kyle, TX 78640
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