Cramerton Christian Academy in Gastonia, North Carolina decided that what seventeen year old Bailey Griggs had done was a bridge too far for their good Christian Academy. So, what was Griggs involved in?
Well, it wasn’t …
- Murder.
- Lying on a regular basis to authorities.
- Having an adulterous affair with her family’s housekeeper.
- Turning tricks via her OnlyFans account.
- Lighting three hundred foxes on fire.
- Burning down an olive grove.
- Running from the law.
And it wasn’t…
- Getting drunk and falling down naked.
- Cutting off two-hundred of your enemy’s foreskins.
- Destroying a 10 Commandment display.
No, Bailey did none of the aforementioned.
You know who was culpable of the aforesaid vices?
Uh … that would be King David, Moses, Samson, Noah, and Abraham.
I wonder if Cramerton Christian Academy would’ve expelled those biblical protagonists from their proper Christian school? In addition, how would CCA handle Rahab and Ruth? what was Grigg’s crime against humanity?
Bailey was busted for singing at local bars with her mom in tow. Bailey, you see, is a singer. Her job is singing. The places of her employment are usually bars, restaurants, and concerts where beer is served and the occasional joint or two gets roasted.
The Christian school marm was having none of that and banned fair Bailey – in Christian love of course.
I don’t know what this school would’ve done with Jesus because the majority of critters he hung with were the worst of the worst. They were notorious sinners. I’m talking’ riff raff.
Bad Jesus.
Bad Bailey.
Tsk, tsk.
What’s funny about this school’s “you can’t be at a place where beer and drugs could be had” is that most of their school kids' parents, I’m a-guessin’, have stocked bars in their homes and then there’s mom’s treasure trove of psychotropes, of course.
As a Christian, I’ve had some of the greatest conversations and have seen God work miracles in people's lives at a bar and with a beer in my hand just like C.S. Lewis.
I think the school’s rules are ridiculous and arbitrary and it sows into a young Christian’s heart an “Us-vs-Them,” mentality. A veritable spiritual xenophobia between “The Washed” and “The Unwashed” masses. That kind of stuff spawns the same type of hellish self-righteous garbage that saddled The Pharisees, the scripture’s ultimate bad guys.
By the way, and this one’s for the Enid Strict lady holding the holy scorecard on the kids, I hear a lot of your Christian students go to big concerts in your neck of the woods. Guess what’s served there? Guess what gets smoked there? Are you gonna ban them from your school as well?
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Doug Giles is Pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Wimberley, TX, and is the founder of
Follow Doug on Instagram and Twitter @TheArtOfDoug.