"If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. If you really make them think, they’ll hate you."
- Don Marquis
Dear Reader: Before you make New Year’s resolutions you might want to take this simple test to see if you’re a warrior or if you’re a big ol’ wussy.
If you’re a wuss you are in serious trouble. And if you have a family they’re in trouble because…well… you’re a wuss. The same goes for your business. It’s in T.R.O.U.B.L.E. all because of thy wussiness.
Since I’m a positive and a great guy, I’ve cobbled together this little test to see if you live in the rarified air of the warrior or if thou dwellest in the slough of despond also known as…Wussvillle. If you truly want to change this year and it’s not just lazy blather spun to fool your dumb friends you must be raw in your honesty and ruthlessly thorough in your answers to these questions. Here’s the Warrior’s Test.
- Do you have a clear-cut purpose backed up by the commitment to see it fulfilled?
- Are you always in action working toward your purpose?
- Is your mind closed to all negative and discouraging influences from foes, friends, relatives, music, books, social media, TV and so on?
- Do you hang out with people who are superior to you in what they have accomplished and who utterly challenge you to excellence?
- Are you self-reliant and independent?
- Do you take responsibility for your life, both failures and successes?
- Do you hate it when you waste time?
- Do you look at life as a game to be played and played like a champ?
- Have you become impervious to the criticisms of small men and women?
- Do you boldly face your fears with faith and move towards your goals?
If you scored high on those ten ditties, then congratulations are in order. That means you’re an asset in this game of life and not a soul-sucking jackass. For the New Year, simply double down on what you’re already doing and keep hammering on, you fine warrior, you.
Now we come to the Wuss Test. This one will leave a mark. It will hurt. Sometimes, yea, oft times, God hurts us before he heals us. If you want 2025 to not suck worse than an airplane toilet then assess yourself as you bounce through this brutal list.
- Do you complain often?
- Do you avoid association with people greater than you?
- Does your life seem futile and your future hopeless?
- Do you often feel self-pity?
- Are you envious of those who excel you?
- Do you worry a lot?
- Are you overly cautious and negative?
- Are you indifferent and lacking in ambition and enthusiasm?
- Do you constantly use excuses and alibis to explain why you haven’t accomplished anything?
- Are you addicted to fun and allergic to godly duties?
If you scored high on that list you need to eat a big bowl of repento beans PDQ, baby. 2025 will be no different, and maybe even worse, if those wussy mindsets are not obliterated by deep confession and fresh commitment to that which is holy, just, and good.
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Doug Giles is Pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Wimberley, TX, and is the founder of ClashDaily.com
Follow Doug on Instagram and Twitter @TheArtOfDoug.