You Can’t “Love Jesus” And Not Feast On His Word 2 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES “It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.” - Matthew 4:4 (MSG) I’ve been a Christian, as of July 4th, 2022, for thirty-nine years. During that time frame, I’ve heard more than once guys and gals say stupid stuff like, “I love Jesus, but I’m not really into theology and stuff.” Uh ... okay. So, what you’re actually saying is, “You love Jesus but definitive definitions, in...
Thirty-Two Tale-Tell Signs That You Might Be A Man-Child 1 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES Below are thirty-two tale-tell signs that you might be a Man-Child that righteous and rowdy, godly women will purposefully avoid. 1. You’re nicer than Jesus. 2. You’re a pouter. 3. You’re addicted to fun and allergic to godly duty. 4. You skip church for lame “reasons.” 5. You sound like Britney Spears when you talk about serious issues. 6. You’re a mama’s boy. 7. You drink from a straw. 8. You take way too many...
King David Sang His Way to Victory 2 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES What’s lost on a lot of readers of the various Psalms is that they are actual songs. When David got assaulted by his ubiquitous enemies, instead of calling a 1-800 prayer line, he sang. Weird, eh? Most Christians when they’re getting waylaid by the powers of darkness start whining or complaining, or they call their prayer partner, or if it’s really bad they go to a counselor and blather on about their plight for the next seven and a...