You Can’t “Love Jesus” And Not Feast On His Word

You Can’t “Love Jesus” And Not Feast On His Word


“It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.”
- Matthew 4:4 (MSG)

I’ve been a Christian, as of July 4th, 2022, for thirty-nine years. During that time frame, I’ve heard more than once guys and gals say stupid stuff like, “I love Jesus, but I’m not really into theology and stuff.”

Uh ... okay.

So, what you’re actually saying is, “You love Jesus but definitive definitions, in the sacred scripture, regarding His nature and character; His person, words, and works are a bridge too far for your persnickety palette?”

The scary thing about that mindset is not only how outlandishly stupid it is, but some people think that the abecedarians who spew such sputum are somehow “more spiritual” than those po’ rubes who take theology seriously.

How can someone “love Jesus” and not have a high view of scripture?

That’s hogwash.

That’s nonsense.

That’s something Satan would say.

Jesus said to the Devil, while duking it out with him in the wilderness, that “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God.” (Mt 4:4)

Jesus put the word of God in the food category, folks. It’s essential to the believer. And that would be every word that tumbled out of God’s mouth, not just the ones we pick and chose.

The only way we know the true Christ of the scripture is through theology furnished by the word of God. People who ignore or stray from the Verbum Dei are tofu for deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. They have no holy sword of the Spirit to fend off Satan’s slick lies and are a piece of cake for demonic deception, fo’ sho’.

If I were you, I’d run from the tripe that claims someone can love Jesus and not be in love with His Word. He is the Word. Hello. If you don’t believe me, Google John 1:1.

Finally, enjoy this quote from my former professor and Christian heavy-weight, Dr. R.C. Sproul, “There is an inseparable relationship between your affection for Christ and your affection for the scripture.”

Send that Sproul quote over to the doe-eyed, miscreant, “Christian” zombies that you know who currently think contrary to that quote. It could save their soul...

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Doug Giles is Pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Wimberley, TX, and is the founder of

Follow Doug on Instagram and Twitter @TheArtOfDoug.

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Clash Ministries

Doug Giles is the host of The Doug Giles Podcast, the co-founder and co-host of the Warriors & Wildmen Podcast (1M+ downloads) and the man behind ClashDaily. com. In addition to driving (300M+ page views), Giles is the author of several #1 Amazon best- sellers. His book Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass (2021) spent 26 weeks at #1 on Amazon. In 2018, Giles was permanently banned from his two-mil- lion followers on Facebook.Doug is also an artist and a filmmaker, and his online gallery can be seen at DougGiles.Art. His first film, Biblical Badasses: A Raw Look at Christianity and Art, is available via DougGiles.Art.Doug’s writings have appeared in several other print and online news sources, including,The Washington Times,The Daily Caller, Fox Nation, Human Events, USA Today,The Wall Street Journal,The Washington Examiner, American Hunter Magazine, and ABC News.

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