Love Ablaze: The Wild Faith of Russell Brand

Love Ablaze: The Wild Faith of Russell Brand


“... but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are”
- 1Cor. 1:26-28

Tucker Carlson’s latest conversation with John Rich and Russell Brand over on YouTube is a must-see for the Christian who needs a shot of hope and an example of holy cojones in this jacked-up day.

Also, Russell and Jordan Peterson’s rally on 9.28.24 is a must-see. Especially, if you're a timid Christian that needs an illustration of how to go after political BS and the purveyors thereof. Google it. That video is infectious in a good way. It's pure fire and hopefully, it’ll rub off on the church, especially the pastors.

Hey, speaking of pastors … while a whole stack of ministers are hiding in fear of the woke crowd’s wrath and are avoiding plain dealing with the hard truths of the scripture, we have three former drunks, Tucker, John, and Russell, who’re now on fire for Christ, leading the way in a corrupt culture.

Smells like God to me.

So, why doth this phenom, at least to moi, have God’s scent all over it? Well, it’s because no fussy, PC-addled, gaggle of gelded elders would’ve ever pushed that trio forward as major public reps of a fresh move of God, that’s why.

Biblically speaking, when God wants to rock the Casbah, he goes a-lookin’ for the ones the holier-than-thous wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pew. Y’know, the guys and dolls, the ecclesiastical establishment didn’t pick, and the rebels they cannot control.

I love watching Tucker, John, and Russell go public with their faith, asking tough questions and shooting straight with scriptural solutions to our societal pollution.

Regarding Brand in particular, I remember just a few short years ago when Christians and conservatives damned Brand to an eternal hell for all of his multitudinous peccadilloes.

Thankfully, God didn’t listen to the Christians.

He had other plans.

Instead of sinking Russell into a sulphuric eternal abyss, God decided to adopt him into his family, forgive him of all his misdeeds, redeem him from the bondage of sin and Satan, and turn him into a big mouth for Jesus.

And that my friends is this thing called … awesome!

Brand’s bold with his faith. He’s happy in God and not some gloomy, end-of-the-world, evangelical. He’s openly repentant about his past transgressions. He’s very well-read. He’s not biblically illiterate like most evangelicals and he’s only been born again six short months. Also Russell’s refreshingly not like most calm, little cookie-cutter, sedate, and sleepy Christians. When Brand prays you can tell he means it, he does it with unction, stays true to the scripture, and doesn’t dodge ending any prayers with, “in Jesus’ name.” In addition, if necessary, he’ll baptize peeps in his tighty whities, on the spot, without shame or apology.

I hope to God Russell, Tucker, and John stay bold, wild, and free and remain unsullied from the craven religious professionals who think their job is to tame someone else's flame and make them into pathetic ineffective Christians like themselves.

Dear God, please protect Tucker, John, and Russell from the Church’s Coldwater Bucket Brigade and all the various attacks of the enemy. Keep their fire for you an unending roaring blaze. Make it spread to other believers as well. Let them leave a deep scar on Satan’s defeated backside. In Jesus’ name … Amen!

Clash Ministries is here to do two things, namely, put brains and cojones on Christians. Yep, our holy job is renewing minds (Rom.12:1-2) and emboldening hearts (Prov.28:1). Your generosity helps us throttle the enemy by equipping God's people to live bold, wild and free in Him. You are a vital part of this ministry and we could not do this without you. Thank you for your faithful gifts and partnership and remember to always ... stay rowdy!

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Doug Giles is Pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Wimberley, TX, and is the founder of

Follow Doug on Instagram and Twitter @TheArtOfDoug.

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