Doug Giles is the host of The Doug Giles Podcast, the co-founder and co-host of the Warriors & Wildmen Podcast (1M+ downloads) and the man behind ClashDaily. com. In addition to driving (300M+ page views), Giles is the author of several #1 Amazon best- sellers. His book Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass (2021) spent 26 weeks at #1 on Amazon. In 2018, Giles was permanently banned from his two-mil- lion followers on Facebook.Doug is also an artist and a filmmaker, and his online gallery can be seen at DougGiles.Art. His first film, Biblical Badasses: A Raw Look at Christianity and Art, is available via DougGiles.Art.Doug’s writings have appeared in several other print and online news sources, including,The Washington Times,The Daily Caller, Fox Nation, Human Events, USA Today,The Wall Street Journal,The Washington Examiner, American Hunter Magazine, and ABC News.