
Clash Ministries

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Teen Gets Expelled From Christian School – What Would Jesus Do?

Teen Gets Expelled From Christian School – What Would Jesus Do? 2 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES Cramerton Christian Academy in Gastonia, North Carolina decided that what seventeen year old Bailey Griggs had done was a bridge too far for their good Christian Academy. So, what was Griggs involved in? Well, it wasn’t … Murder. Lying on a regular basis to authorities. Having an adulterous affair with her family’s housekeeper. Turning tricks via her OnlyFans account. Lighting three hundred foxes on fire....

This "Vision For The Lost" Will Mess With You 9 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES What you’re about to read will mess with you severely. Especially if you are a solipsistic evangelical. For the uninitiated, William and Catherine Booth founded The Salvation Army back in 1865. The Salvation Army they founded and operated was not a quaint organization that helped folks that were down on their luck. Rather, it was a fiery demon smashing body of believers that rescued lost souls, in very unconventional ways,...

A Prayer For The Overthrow of The Wicked 3 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES Have you ever looked at clearly wicked, impenitent people and leaders and thought, “Why the heck are they prospering and their wretched schemes succeeding?” In the meantime, in-between time, folks that are trying to do right, obey God, and influence society with the gracious biblical worldview, are getting kicked by culture like a stuck door at Chuck Norris’ house. Yep, in today’s jacked-up world, evil gets the green light and...

What Happens When Young Idiots Mock Godly Leaders? 1 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES The Elisha & The Bears oil painting shows what happened to young folks who mocked a godly leader. "Then Elisha went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up...

The Church Needs Some Old School Prophets ASAP! 2 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES So, what did John the Baptist embody that made him great in God’s eyes? Well, it’s stuff like... 1. John wasn’t a puppet of public opinion. He went against the grain, following God, and declaring only what God prompted him to preach. Yep, John had zero reticence in rebuking whomever, wherever, and whenever if they had it coming. He served the Lord in that manner with his prophetic gift. 2. John was cool with being unique...

Dear Fauci & Soros: God Dooms The "Great" Men of the World 3 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES Here's a chunk of scripture I bet Little Lord Fauci and George Soros wished never existed. Enjoy and share with your friends who'd like to see God clean house on freedom's evil enemies. Are you so ignorant? Are you so deaf to the words of God – the words he gave before the world began? Have you never heard nor understood? It is God who sits above the circle of the earth. (The people below must seem to him like...

Biblical Masculinity: Jesus Promised Storms 3 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and...

Bold As A Lion: KC Chiefs' Kicker Defies Anti-God PC-Culture 3 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES "The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion." - Proverbs 28:1 People who truly collided with Christ were made instantly bold but now boldness seems to be the gift of the few folks when it was the common denominator of all the heroes of the scripture. Nowadays, Christianity is all about being nice, not bold. Harrison Butker’s grad speech at Benedictine College tossed nice out...

Growing Old And Dangerous For God 3 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES In Psalm seventy-one David’s under duress and he’s old now. It doesn’t say what David did but he’s still ticking off all the right people and he’s a senior citizen. The psalmist says he’s under the threat of humiliation and disgrace. His enemies have cornered him. Sinful people, unjust and cruel, were after him. His enemies are voicing evil against him. Can you feel this? His adversaries are plotting his demise in secret. Here’s an...

You Can Be A Christian Or A Liberal, But Not Both 4 MIN READ ◦ DOUG GILES Can a Christian be a liberal? Short answer: no. There is no way a Christian can buy into progressive/big government ideology and be faithful to the bigger-than-Dallas teachings of Scripture and expect to continue enjoying his hard-won religious liberties. For the “Christian” to lean politically to the left means that he must blow off huge chunks of the Bible and replace Scripture with the make-believe notions of PC’s...